2024年1月 檢討 Jan 2024 Review

由於之前的資料出錯以至上次的本金唔夠用,所以入多左錢落去戶口內,現在戶口內有7千幾,另外投注了一些,一定中的!! 跟據之前的計算,到今日應該有 $8224,如果加埋投注了的,其實是多過這個數的,所以仍然係向一百萬邁進。

Due to the previous data error and last time’s capital is not enough, so I put more money into my account, now I have more than $7,000 in my account, and I have placed some bets, surely win! According to the previous calculation, there should be $8224 by today, if add the bets, it is actually more than this amount, so it is still heading towards a million dollars.

About R

天生對數字特別敏感,有非常好的邏輯思维,有非常好的數學、電腦的應用和程式設計技巧。 Born with a special sensitivity to numbers, has a very good logical mind. I have very good math, computer application and programming skills
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